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nature powered goodness.

Are you looking for a new beverage that can warm you up on a cool night this fall? Are you looking for an immune-boosting tea to fight a nasty cold? Are you just looking for a sweet and refreshing herbal tea that can mix things up? Chances are, orange peel tea is perfect for you this year.  

             (optional: 1 bag Don Juan Chiles Ginger Tea, ¼ tsp. Lemon juice) 

thoughts before starting

Add more or less of each tea depending on your preference. If you want to up the ante, use some of our whole herbs and spices to make this mix with whole herbs instead of pre ground bags of tea.  

what you will need

  • Tea cup 
  • Hot water heater 
  • Cheese grater


              This is an easy one.  

  1. Use a grater to scrape ½ tsp of orange peels as garnish for the tea. 
  2. Turn on the hot water heater, pour hot water into your mug, and steep hibiscus and lemongrass tea in the water.  
  3. Add a star anise pod and orange peels on top. 
  4. Let the cool, and then enjoy! 

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