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Don Juan Chiles – Spiked Chocolate Milkshake Recipe

Spicy doesn’t always have to mean hot, and this spiked chocolate milkshake is the perfect example. It’s a fun twist of the traditional frothy Mexican hot chocolate – called champurrado – that you can enjoy on warm days. And with a splash of your favorite tequila, it’s a treat that’s just for adults. With alcohol and chile powder, it’s got a kick to it in more ways than one! If you love chocolate ice cream, spicy cocktails, or anything sweet, we’re sure you’ll love this recipe! It’s easy to make and shouldn’t take more than 5 minutes.

We’re sure you’ve had a spiked milkshake before, but we guarantee you’ve never had one like this. It’s equally sweet, cool, creamy, and spicy, and the addition of tequila will give you a little buzz! That kick of spice is from Don Juan Chiles’ chipotle chile powder, which also adds a rich, smoky flavor. Feel free to substitute it for any one of our other ground chile powders for a different kind of spice whenever you want to mix it up. Combined with the ground cinnamon, it’s the perfect savory companion to the sweetness of the ice cream. The fruity, strong, and slightly bitterness of cocoa powder is unmistakable without being overpowering, and for a milkshake, there is a surprising amount of flavor depth.

Our spiked milkshake recipe is not only a delicious blend of ice cream, cocoa powder, cinnamon chili powder, and tequila but also a blend of Mexican and American classics. Milkshakes are an iconic American drink, and the spice and flavor of ground chile powder is a staple in traditional Mexican cuisine that is used in a variety of dishes. At Don Juan Chiles, we make it easier than ever before to get not only chile powders but a variety of other hard-to-find ingredients as well. This includes some of the essential ingredients you need to make this Mexican spiked milkshake and many others.

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